Australian Guitar Review Blog

positive grid spark review 0

Should I buy a Positive Grid Spark?

I was looking for a small amp with built in effects for travelling and for readily moving around the house, so the Positive Grid range came up on my radar pretty quickly. I eventually...

affordable overdrive pedals 0

Guitar Pedal alternatives at Amazon

There are plenty of great pedals out there, but sometimes you want something to experiment with, or you don’t have the cash at the moment, or a thousand other reasons. Here are some great...

donner pedals australia 0

Donner Pedals Australia

Donner Pedals have properly hit our shores now with their online store at Donner Music. In the past they have definitely been available from a lot of places, however we seemed to be constantly...

Joyo atmosphere reverb review 0

Joyo Atmosphere Reverb Review

I have been looking for the ideal Reverb for my playing and have gone through a few of late. The EHX Ocean’s 11 was a little too much reverb for my liking and the...

Great affordable reverb pedals 0

Great affordable reverb pedals

Reverb is somewhat of a necessity for many boards, it adds that extra little oomph to your sound and makes you sound bigger (and maybe even better) than you are. So being such a...

guitar pedals australia 0

2020 News

We are back! 2019 was a crazy year and Australian Guitar review has been a bit of a passion project that has had to take a back seat over the last little while. However...