New: Earthquaker Devices ‘Data Corruptor’


EQD Data Corruptor Australia


From Earthquaker Devices:

Once you’ve chosen your input octave, then the Data Corrupter will perform its calculations and spit out an analog synthesized frequency, which can be pitch-bent for portamento or vibrato sounds by the Frequency Modulator! From there, you can blend in one of eight Subharmonic intervals up to three octaves below the input and mix in a square wave fuzz tone for maximum data corruption.

EQD have released another new pedal this week – the Data Corruptor – which adds to the weird and wacky range of effects that we have seen from them of late. No word yet on when it will be released to the Australian market, but hopefully it will be pretty soon.  Check out some of the demos (I’d go with Andy from PGS) to see what this thing can do – like a few of their other pedals and these synthy type pedals it may take a little while to dial in a sound that works for you.

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