Author: AGREditor

xvive golden brownie review 0

Xvive Golden Brownie Review

The Xvive Golden Brownie was one of the pedals that made it into the Gear of the Year for the Guitar Nerds last year, so it has to have some chops, right? Oh yes it...

Featured Builder – Dr Scientist 0

Featured Builder – Dr Scientist

It’s been a little bit since we were able to get a builder on the site but this time around we were lucky to get to speak to Ryan from Dr Scientist Sounds to...

Gibson 2018 Australia 3

Gibson 2018 models

Another year has gone by and it is time for the yearly release of new Gibson models (again, no real idea of when they will be here in Australia). Just throwing it out there,...

ehx green russian australia 0

EHX Green Russian Re-issue

The EHX Big Muff Pi is a pedal that has probably been on most pedal boards, from the beginner to the advanced it has been a staple. Most people will also know that there...

EQD Data Corruptor Australia 0

New: Earthquaker Devices ‘Data Corruptor’

    From Earthquaker Devices: Once you’ve chosen your input octave, then the Data Corrupter will perform its calculations and spit out an analog synthesized frequency, which can be pitch-bent for portamento or vibrato...

australian guitar stores 0

August Guitar news

As always there is plenty on the release radar: Fender are releasing Custom and Signature guitars on a regular basis at the moment and a collaboration with the skate brand Supreme which has resulted...