TC Electronics new range
In an industry where we are usually drip fed new products by companies TC Electronics have gone way out and released a whole series of new pedals just in time for some summer gear buying. The Smorgasboard of Tones has been announced (and released) and contains some really cool looking pedals – including an analog delay. From what I can tell, the pedals have been released in the UK and US so far (available on Andertons) but still to get details on when they will be available in Australia. TC are known for their great quality pedals and it seems that, with these pedals, they are trying to fill the gap that sits between cheap Chinese knock offs and clones and the regular priced BOSS/EHX/TC models. Given this, if they are of similar quality I can imagine that they will be landing on a of pedal boards in coming years as standard, especially for new players that don’t want super cheap, but quality pedals.
The best way to find out about them is probably actually by checking out their video below:
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